The Central Board of Secondary Education is conducting the Term 2 Board Exam for class 10th and 12th from tomorrow, April 26 to May 24 for class 10th and April 26 to June 15 for 12th. The CBSE Term 2 date sheet and admit card have been earlier released by the board, which the students can avail from the official website of CBSE.
An estimated 34 lakh students would be appearing for the Term 2 board exam across 7412 centres in and outside the country of which 7279 are in India and 133 overseas. Strict COVID-19 protocols need to be adhered to, both by the organisation and the students and proper masks need to be worn in view of increasing COVID cases. No more than 18 students will be allowed to sit in one classroom during the Term 2 board exams.
CBSE guidelines for Term 2 board exams
Reporting time for students appearing for Term 2 board exam at the examination centres is 9:30 am to 10:00 am sharp, after which no student would be allowed entry into the premises under any circumstances. The examination will be conducted between 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, for 1-2 hours depending on the subject and the exam pattern.
All students are required to carry their admit cards issued by the central board of secondary education and duly signed by the school authority, parents, and the student, failing which the students won’t be allowed entry to the examination hall.
Students from regular schools need to wear their school uniform to the examination centre. However, private candidates can wear light coloured smart casuals and appear for the exam. Answer sheets and question papers would be distributed to the students at 10:10 am. Each candidate needs to go through the question paper and fill the answer sheet carefully.
In case of any confusion or concerns regarding question papers or answer sheets, students can reach out to the invigilators who’d be present in each room of the exam centre.
Term 2 board exam Date Sheet
Term 2 board exam for class 10th will begin with Painting and other language papers on April 26 at 10:30 am followed by English (language and literature) scheduled to be held on April 27 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The exam will end with Information Technology as the last paper on May 24th. For class 12th, the exam will begin with entrepreneurship and beauty and wellness papers on April 26 and end with Psychology paper on June 15.
Students can download the complete date sheet for 10th and 12th Term 2 board exams here.
Practice for Term 2 exam with CBSE previous year question papers
Students appearing for Term 2 board exam can runthrough a last minute practice using CBSE previous year question papers. CBSE previous year question papers can be regarded as a worthy learning resource for the students appearing for term 2 board examinations.
Solving these CBSE class 10 previous year question papers and CBSE class 12 previous year question papers will boost the self-confidence of students and reduce examination stress along with giving them a last-minute self analysis and an idea of how prepared they are for the examination.
CBSE Result: Students to get results even if they skip one of the two term board exams
As per CBSE’s live session on Monday, April 25th, students who appear for exams in either of the two terms (term 1 or term 2) will be receiving marks based on their performance in one of them. Students would also be liable to get the board results under a special scheme, if any student is not able to take all the exams and appears for only three to four of them because of COVID-19.
However, according to the announcement made by CBSE, any student who fails to appear for both term 1 and term 2 exams will not be allowed to sit for compartment exams this year and will have to repeat the class as all class 12 compartment exams are conducted on the same day. While for class 10th, the compartment exams are conducted over a period of 7 days.