Biological Classification Class 11 Notes - Chapter 2

Biological classification is a scientific procedure for classifying organisms into a series of groups and sub-groups based on their similarities and dissimilarities. The main aim of biological classification is to place a vast number of animals and plants into categories that can be easily named and recalled without ambiguity. Thus, in class 11, students study this topic in chapter 2 of the biology textbook. Here they will learn about topics like Kingdoms Monera, Protista and fungi from Whittaker’s System of Classification.

For more information on Monera Kingdom, watch the below video


To help students grasp all the concepts clearly and effectively,  we are provided biological classification class 11 notes which will provide a complete overview of the entire chapter. Students will also be able to familiarize themselves with key points and recall them with ease. These CBSE notes will further allow students to complete their revisions before the exams and be well-prepared to tackle any question. Students can visit the links given below to learn about the important topics mentioned in this chapter.

Kingdoms Monera, Protista and Fungi
Salient features of the kingdom Monera
Five Kingdoms Classification
Plant Kingdom- Plantae
Kingdom Animalia

In addition to this, students can also get biology class 11 CBSE sample papers, previous year question papers and mock tests to prepare for the main exam. Check them out below:

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 11 Biology
Important Questions Class 11 Biology
CBSE Question Paper for Class 11 Biology

Biological Classification Class 11 Notes – Questions

1. Name the five kingdoms proposed by R.H. Whittaker

R.H. Whittaker proposed the following five kingdoms:

  • Animalia
  • Plantae
  • Monera
  • Protista
  • Fungi

2. List the prominent characteristics of Eubacteria

  • Eubacteria are generally prokaryotic and unicellular organisms
  • Eubacteria are strict anaerobes
  • Eubacteria are also chemoheterotrophs (which means they produce energy from mixed organic acids)
  • The cell membrane is composed of glycerol-ester lipids
  • The cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan
  • Eubacteria are characterized by the lack of a nuclear membrane
  • The exchange of genetic information takes place through bi-directional or uni-directional DNA transfer
  • Transcription and translation are coupled (which means translation begins when mRNA is being synthesized)

3. List the economic uses of archaebacteria

Archaebacteria have two prominent roles :

  • Used in the production of gobar gas from sewage and dung
  • Used in the fermentation of cellulose in cattle and other ruminants

4. How are red tides signified with algal bloom?

Red tides are a common name for algal blooms. Some species of algae in these blooms produce certain photosynthetic pigments that cause their colour to vary from brown to red; hence the name “red tides”.

Just like any other algal blooms, these are usually caused when there is a sudden introduction of nutrients to the surface of the ocean. Generally, algal blooms have a detrimental effect on all life – even humans.

5. What are viroids?

Viroids are entities smaller than a typical virus. It has no protein coat, however, it still has a nucleic acid. These entities do not encode proteins, yet they are able to replicate themselves when introduced into a host plant.

6. What are saprophytes?

Saprophytes are organisms that feed on decayed organic matter. Most fungi and soil bacteria are considered as saprophytes.

7. What is plasmogamy?

Plasmogamy is one of the stages in the sexual reproduction of fungi. In this stage, the two-parent cells fuse together without the fusion of nuclei, effectively bringing two haploid nuclei into the same cell.

8. What is meant by karyogamy?

Karyogamy is the final stage in the process where two haploid eukaryotic cells fuse together. It specifically refers to the fusion of the two nuclei.

Also Access 
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2
NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2

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Further Reading

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 2 Biological Classification


What organisms do kingdom monera consist of?

Kingdom Monera is a biological kingdom that consists of prokaryotes. This kingdom is composed of single-celled organisms that lack a real nucleus.


What are the 5 main classifications of Plant kingdoms?

The 5 main classifications of the Plant kingdom are 1. Thallophyta 2. Bryophyta 3. Pteridophyta 4. Gymnosperms 5. Angiosperms


What are some of the uses of fungi?

Fungi are used for several purposes, especially in the food industry and food preparation. It is also used to produce citric acid, antibiotics and human hormones.


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