Hemoglobin Test



The Hemoglobin Test experiment gives you an idea of how the increase in production of the hemoglobin in the species like Daphnia magna responds to the decrease in the level of oxygen concentrations. This also aims in knowing the role of haemoglobin and also the effects of increase in its level in the human and animal body.


  • Culture Kit for Daphnia magna
  • A Magnifying glass or a microscope
  • A Digital camera
  • Sketchbook
  • Colored pencils
  • Plastic wrap
  • Petroleum jelly


  1. Get culture kit for Daphnia magna and follow up the instructions to set up and then establish your culture. (See the Daphnia) Make use of a magnifying glass or a microscope in order to observe the small details of their bodies.Take the picture of initial culture and then make a sketch of the individual Daphnia. You can also make use of a bit of the petroleum jelly in order to hold the individual Daphnia for the purpose of observation. Ensure to color the sketch accurate manner with the help of colored pencils.
  2. Prepare your own hypothesis. What will happen to Daphnia when the concentration of oxygen in the environment is decreased and as to why? Feed the Daphnia in order to prepare them for low oxygen level experiment.
  3. Cover up the surface of water carefully in the aquarium with the plastic wrap. This is to prevent the gases from leaving or entering the surface of water. When the Daphnia uses up the oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, the dissolved concentrations of oxygen in the water will tend to drop. Observe the Daphnia for the next 2 to 3 weeks. Each day, make sure to take the picture of the entire population and make a note of the changes.Mainly pay a lot of attention to color of the Daphnia. As they are known to be transparent species, the change in their color will be the direct result for the change in their blood as well as the hemoglobin synthesis.
  4. After about 2 to 3 weeks later, remove the plastic wrap. Then, take the picture of the population and prepare another sketch of the individual Daphnia. Again, Color sketch accurately in order to show the changes that took place. Feed the culture and then allow them to get back to the normal conditions without the use of plastic wrap.Make a note of it day to day and also the pictures. After a week or so, if in case they get back to normal conditions, sketch the another individual.
  5. Finally conclude the experiment by evaluating your hypothesis.


Daphnia magna are the small crustaceans which live in the freshwater lakes, ponds and the streams.They feed on the free living algae and are known to be much sensitive to poor water conditions. These are also used to determine the water quality.Hemoglobin is a protein which is present in the blood and carries oxygen from lungs or the gills to cells of various organisms. The experiment manipulates the oxygen levels of the water where Daphnia are kept in order to evaluate the production of hemoglobin in these creatures.

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