NCERT Books Class 6 Maths

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths – Free PDF Download (Updated for 2023-24)

NCERT Class 6 Maths Books are highly recommended by teachers and educational experts to help students prepare for the exams. The content of the NCERT Books for Class 6 was written by experts in Mathematics after a lot of research on all the topics. Hence, NCERT books are considered the most authentic source of information for Maths, and they will never mislead you. The books are regularly updated on a yearly or bi-yearly basis in accordance with the latest teaching principles and innovations in solving complex Mathematical problems, along with the most set of solutions available.

Download NCERT Class 6 Maths Book in PDF
NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths in English
NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths in Hindi

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths Chapters in English

Chapters Solutions
Prelims Solutions
Chapter 1: Knowing Our Numbers Solutions
Chapter 2: Whole Numbers Solutions
Chapter 3: Playing with Numbers Solutions
Chapter 4: Basic Geometrical Ideas Solutions
Chapter 5: Understanding Elementary Shapes Solutions
Chapter 6: Integers Solutions
Chapter 7: Fractions Solutions
Chapter 8: Decimals Solutions
Chapter 9: Data Handling Solutions
Chapter 10: Mensuration Solutions
Chapter 11: Algebra Solutions
Chapter 12: Ratio and Proportion Solutions
Brain Teaser

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths Chapters in Hindi

अध्याय 1: अपनी संख्याओं की जानकारी
अध्याय 2: पूर्ण संख्याएँ
अध्याय 3: संख्याओं के साथ खेलना
अध्याय 4: आधारभूत ज्यामितीय अवधारणाएँ
अध्याय 5: प्रारंभिक आकारों को समझना
अध्याय 6: पूर्णांक
अध्याय 7: भिन्न
अध्याय 8: दशमलव
अध्याय 9: आँकड़ों का प्रबंधन
अध्याय 10: क्षेत्रमिति
अध्याय 11: बीजगणित
अध्याय 12: अनुपात और समानुपात
दिमागी कसरत

Maths is a subject that requires a great deal of practice to really understand the various types of problems that a student may get asked in an examination. It is important to understand the various types of problems from the NCERT books and perfect oneself in the art of solving them. By practising previous years’ question papers and solving the NCERT books questions, students can easily prepare themselves for appearing in the annual exam. One can also get rid of the perpetual fear that one faces while learning for the Math exam.

BYJU’S brings you a free download of NCERT textbooks that include the books and solutions for CBSE Class 6 Maths. NCERT books are mainly used by students preparing for various competitive examinations. Students should thoroughly study the NCERT books to get a clear idea about the subject and secure good marks in the annual exam. Now, you can find the entire list of NCERT books according to the syllabus and portions for Class 6 Maths and can easily download them in PDF at BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths


How to score full marks using NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths?

Before starting with the exam preparation, students should first understand the syllabus designed for the academic year. This will help them to analyse the concepts with more marks weightage. Students should prepare a timetable for each chapter and learn the concepts accordingly to score well in the exams. The NCERT books from BYJU’S can be used by the students while preparing for the Class 6 exam to understand the chapter effectively. The books are prepared in simple and understandable language to provide in-depth knowledge of the chapter among students.

Where can I get the NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths online?

You can get the NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths online at BYJU’S. The books are available in PDF with a free download option. Students can access these books anytime and anywhere without any restrictions to learn the chapters effectively. It will also improve the analytical and logical reasoning skills of students, which are important from the exam perspective. NCERT textbook is considered to be one of the best online study materials for students under the CBSE Board. The experts have designed the concepts in an easy-to-understand way to help students with their exam preparation.

Do the NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths follow the CBSE guidelines?

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths prepared by the faculty at BYJU’S strictly adheres to the CBSE guidelines. Each and every topic is created with utmost care with the aim of helping students to perform well in the Math exam. By using the NCERT books, students will be able to grasp the chapter and clarify their doubts instantly. The interactive explanation provided for each exercise enables the problem-solving skills of students, which are necessary to score well in the Class 6 annual exam.

Access NCERT Solutions here to know more about chapters and crucial topics covered in the NCERT textbook. BYJU’S provides sample papers, CBSE notes and previous years’ question papers for practice. You can check out the whole list of NCERT Maths Solutions for Class 6 here.


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