NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Democratic Politics -II Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy – Free PDF Download
*According to the latest update on the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter has been removed.
The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 – Challenges to Democracy are created by subject experts to help students in their board exam preparation. Answers are written in simple and easy-to-understand language. These NCERT Solutions are for the students’ reference. They can also write the answers in their own way by covering all the important points related to the question.
Chapter 8 of NCERT Social Science Civics has no exercise. However, in the end, the students are asked to write a summary of democracy. Students can take an idea about the summary from the one provided by us. They can get NCERT Solutions Class 10 for other subjects as well.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy
NCERT Solutions – Social Science Civics Chapter 8
1. (Write your name here) ________________________ ’s definition of good democracy (not more than 50 words):
Good democracy should have a political system that chooses and replaces the government through free and fair elections. People should actively participate in the policies introduced by the government. There should be a fair implementation of all the tenets of the constitution. The fundamental rights provided to the citizens should be adhered to, and states should focus on the directive principles. Democracy is a government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’, and the people should be given the utmost importance by promoting equality, fraternity and justice.
Challenges to Democracy Summary
Chapter 8 of the NCERT Social Science Civics textbook Democratic Politics-II will address the fundamental questions of democratic politics. The discussion on the challenges that democracy faces in our country will take place in the chapter, and also the reforms that should be taken will be given. The reforms needed to make a democratic country, democratic in nature and practice will be suggested. Suggestions about the way in which we can approach the questions of challenges and reforms will be given to students. Through this chapter, a student will learn to answer themselves what democracy means to them.
The students will also get to know about the following topics:
- Thinking about challenges
- Different contexts, different challenges
- Different types of challenges
- Thinking about political reforms
- Redefining democracy
‘Democratic Politics-II’ is an important book for Class 10 Social Science subject. Apart from this chapter, the full set of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science is given in the linked article.
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 8
What are the benefits of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 8?
What topics can I learn from Chapter 8 of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science?
1. Thinking about challenges
2. Different contexts, different challenges
3. Different types of challenges
4. Thinking about political reforms
5. Redefining democracy
looks very nice and clear