Components of Food Class 6 Notes - Chapter 2

According to the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter has been renumbered as Chapter 1.

We eat different types of vegetables, fruits, cereals and pulses. We all eat food to obtain energy for our daily activities. There are different components of food and each of these components is required by our body to perform different cellular activities.

What Do Different Food Items Contain?


Food is a basic requirement for all living organisms. It provides energy for carrying out normal physiological activities. There are different components and they have different nutrients. They all come together to provide wholesome nourishment to us.

For Example:

  • Dal, eggs, meat etc contain proteins.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins.
  • Cereals, pulses, and oats contain predominantly carbohydrates.
  • Oil, ghee, butter, cheese, pork, chocolates, lard and cream contains fat.

Components of Food

To know more about “What Do Different Food Items Contains”, visit the link below;

What Do Different Food Items Contains

What Do Various Nutrients Do for Our Body?


Carbohydrates are present mostly as starch. They provide us with energy and are thus energy-giving food.

Wheat, Potato, Rice etc. are good sources of carbohydrates.

Iodine Test for Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates present in all food items are tested by the Iodine test. A few drops of dilute iodine solution are added to the sample food item. If the colour changes from brown to blue-black, the presence of starch is confirmed.

Iodine test for the presence of Starch


Proteins are bodybuilding nutrients. They are needed to build every single part and organ of the body. They help in the growth and repair of our body.

Eggs, Meat, Lentils etc are good sources of proteins.

Test for Proteins

Proteins in the food sample are tested by copper sulfate and caustic soda solutions. The sample food item is made into very dilute paste and the above solutions are added to it. If the colour of the resulting solution changes to purple, the presence of protein is confirmed.

Test for Protein


Fats are high-energy nutrients. They are needed in a moderate amount by the body. Fats are the reserved food material of our body.

Oils, ghee, butter etc are the sources of fat.

Test for Fats

Fats in the food are tested by a simple paper test. A little amount of sample food is wrapped in a paper and crushed. If the paper gets an oily patch, the presence of fat in the food is confirmed.

Test for Fats


  • Fibres are materials that add bulk to the food.
  • Humans cannot use fibres as a nutrient.
  • But they help in the easy movement of the food along with the digestive system.

To know more about “What Do Various Nutrients Do for Our Body”, visit the links below;

Deficiency Diseases

Balanced Diet

  • A balanced diet is a diet that has all the necessary nutrients in the amount that is needed for normal body functioning.

Balanced Diet

To know more about Balanced Diet, visit the link below;

Balanced Diet

Deficiency Diseases

  • Deficiency diseases are caused by the lack of certain nutrients.
  • These diseases can be treated by a properly balanced diet.
  • If the body is deficient in vitamins we get vitamin deficiency diseases.
  • E.g. scurvy, pellagra, Rickets etc.
  • If minerals are deficient, then we get mineral deficiency diseases.
  • E.g. iron deficiency leads to anaemia, phosphorus deficiency leads to weak bones and teeth.


Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency Diseases Symptoms
Vitamin-A Night blindness Poor vision or complete loss of vision in darkness
Vitamin-B1 Beri-beri Weight loss and weak muscle
Vitamin-C Scurvy Bleeding gums
Vitamin-D Rickets Soft, tender and weak bones
Vitamin E Crohn’s disease Pale skin and Rapid aging
Vitamin-K Haemorrhage Excessive bleeding with delay in clotting
Calcium Osteomalacia and osteoporosis Brittle bones
Phosphorus Bad teeth, and Rickets Twisted limbs, unformed teeth
Iron Anaemia Low red blood cell count
Iodine Goitre Enlarged thyroid gland

To know more about Deficiency Diseases, visit the link below;

Deficiency Diseases

Food Sources


  • Vitamins are the essential nutrients that help us in maintaining normal body functions and also to fight off infections.
  • Fruits and vegetables are the major sources of vitamins.
  • Vitamins also keep our eyes, bones, teeth, gums and skin healthy.
  • A, B complex, C, D, E and K are the vitamins we get from different foods.
Vitamin Functions of Vitamin
Vitamin-A Keeps eyes and skin healthy
Vitamin-B1 Helps the body use energy from the food we eat
Vitamin-C Help heal wounds, maintains healthy gums and blood vessels, fights infections
Vitamin-D Keeps teeth and bones healthy
Vitamin E Maintains healthy skin and hair, slows down ageing, a powerful antioxidant
Vitamin-K An important factor in blood clotting, bone healing and body repair


  • Minerals are important substances that help your body form and function on many different levels.
  • Minerals are essential for various metabolic functions including growth and organ functioning.
  • Important minerals required for our body are sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium etc.

To know more about Vitamins and Minerals, visit the link below;

Vitamins and Minerals

Learn more about the Components of Food from the topics given below:

Components of Food Nutrients
Minerals in Food Deficiency Diseases

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 6 Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food


What are the negative impacts of junk food?

1. High sodium content 2. Excessive carb intake and cholestrol intake 3. Obesity and cardiac diseases


What are some of the healthy foodstuffs?

1. Fruits and vegetables 2. High fibre intake 3. Reduce saturated, oily items 4. Cut down on salt and sugar


How to regulate our body with food intake?

1. Eat at regular intervals 2. Do not overeat or have junk food 3. Drink water and be hydrated


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