NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 10 Poem - How Creatures Move

Are you looking for reliable and detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 10 Poem? You’ve landed on the right page! In this unit, there is a poem, “How Creatures Move”, which portrays how different living creatures have an enjoyable experience moving around.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 10 Poem – How Creatures Move

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How Creatures Move

Reading is fun

Question 1:

Underline all the action words in the poem.


The action words have been highlighted in the poem given below:

The lion walks on padded paws,

The squirrel leaps from limb to limb,

While flies can crawl straight up a wall,

And seals can dive and swim.

The worm he wiggles all around,

The monkey swings by his tail,

And birds may hop upon the ground

Or spread their wings and sail.

But boys and girls

Have much more fun:

They leap and dance

And walk and run.

Talk time

Question 1:

Why do boys and girls have the most fun?


Boys and girls have more fun because they can leap, dance, walk and run around.

Let’s write

Question 1:

Match the words in Column A with Column B.

Column A Column B
Lions wiggle
Squirrels hop
Flies swing
Seals leap
Worms walk
Monkeys crawl
Birds dive


Column A Column B
Lions walk
Squirrels leap
Flies crawl
Seals dive
Worms wiggle
Monkeys swing
Birds hop


Question 2:

Now, make sentences of your own using the matching words.

Example — The seals dive into the icy water.


The lions walk in the forest fearlessly.

The squirrels leap around in the mango tree.

The flies crawl on the kitchen wall.

The worms wiggle on moist soil.

The monkeys swing from one tree to another.

The birds hop in the garden.

Question 3:

Arrange the following movement words from slow to fast.

run, walk, hop, crawl


crawl, walk, hop, run

Question 4:

Underline the letters which are silent in the following words:

walk, straight, more, caught, calm, talk


walk, straight, more, caught, calm, talk

Question 5:

Say aloud

NCERT Solutions Class 3 English Unit 10 Poem How Creatures Move - 1

Question 6:

What do you do when you are bored?

Lakshmamma sings a song when she is bored.

Ratnakar reads a book.

Gopal talks to his friends.

Anjaiah writes a story.

Leelamma goes for a walk.

Prabhakar goes to sleep.

Question 7:

What do you do when you are bored?


I love listening to music and watching television when I get bored.


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