NCERT Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 teaches children about natural calamities and their different types. The chapter also explains the help extended by hospitals, community, relief organisations, etc., to calamity-stricken areas. The Bhuj earthquake, which occurred in the year 2001, is discussed with reference to damages that occur during an earthquake and the ways to look for help in case of an earthquake. It is important for students to know where to look for help in times of natural disasters because it will help them to save lives. Students can refer to NCERT Solutions and download the solutions in PDF from the link given below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 When the Earth Shook

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A Bad Dream:

Imagine being without a house in the cold winter! Fear and the cold kept us awake in the nights. All the time, we were worried that there may be another earthquake.

Discuss and write:

Q1: Have you or anyone that you know ever faced such difficulty?

Answer: No, but I heard it on the television news.

Q2: Who all helped at such a time? Make a list.

Answer: In such difficulty, many people like people from neighbouring states, military forces, doctors and political leaders helped them.


Q1: A lot of people from other places came to Jasma’s village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers?

Answer: Many people came from cities to Jasma’s village. Some of them were from non-government organisations, some of them were scientists, and some of them were doctors and medical personnel.

They have helped the people of the village by bringing in much-needed relief. They brought food, clothes, and medicines. The scientists wanted to identify areas which were more prone to get earthquakes. Doctors and medical personnel provided first aid to the people who got injured.

Q2: People in Jasma’s village rebuilt their houses with suggestions from the engineers. Will these houses be safer than before in case there is an earthquake again? Why?

Answer: The engineers gave suggestions to build houses with specific designs so that there would be least damage in case of an earthquake. So, these houses would be safer in case there is an earthquake again.

Q3: Think, if there were an earthquake where you live, would your house be in danger?

Answer: In case of an earthquake in my area, my house would definitely be in danger. The worst is the possibility of the roof collapsing. It can also damage household items and cause injuries to us.

Q4: What will you do to save pet animals during a natural disaster?

Answer: I will prepare an emergency kit for my pets, which consists of medical needs, water, food etc., along with the shelter.


Q1: Compare your house with that of Jasma. List in your notebook what materials were used in making both houses.

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 - Image 1


NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 - Image 2

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 - Image 3

Q1: Have you been told in your school or anywhere else about what to do in case of an earthquake?

Answer: Yes, there was a seminar on what to do in case of an earthquake. We were told to go to an open area. If someone is unable to go to an open area, then they can hide under a table and hold it firmly.

Q2: Why do you think one should go under a table during an earthquake?

Answer: In case of the collapse of a house during an earthquake, the table can save the person from injury. Hence one should go under a table during an earthquake.

Read this TV report on the Bhuj earthquake.

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 - Image 4


Q1: According to the TV report, thousands of people were injured, and some died in Gujarat. If the buildings had been made in a way that they would not fall in the earthquake, would the damage have been different? How?

Answer: People do not die because of the earthquake, but they may get injured or die because of house collapse. So, if the buildings are made earthquake-proof, then there will be least damage in case of an earthquake.

Q2: At times like this, when people have lost their homes and all their belongings, what kind of help would they need?

Answer: At such times, people will need tents to prepare huts and basic needs like cloth, food, water and medicines etc.

Q3: In such situations, whose help would be needed and for what? Write in your notebook as shown here.

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 14 - Image 5


Whose Help Will be Needed? How Will They Help?
1. Dog To smell out where people are lying trapped
2. Doctors To provide first aid and medical care
3. Government organisation To provide required relief measures
4. Non-government organisation To provide required relief measures


Q1: Have you ever seen people in your area helping each other? When?

Answer: Yes, I have seen people helping each other during accidents.

Q2: Why do people live together in a neighbourhood?

Answer: People live together in a neighbourhood to share their happiness as well as to help each other in difficult times.

Q3: Imagine living in a place where there were no other houses or people around. How would it be? For example, whom would you play with? With whom would you celebrate festivals and special days? Would you be scared?

Answer: It would definitely be a difficult situation, the festivals and special days would be boring without anyone. Of course, it would be very scary.

NCERT Solutions contains questions such as those given below:

Think, if there were an earthquake where you live, would your house be in danger? What kind of damage could take place?

Why do you think one should go under a table during an earthquake?

These are a few questions from the Class 5 EVS Chapter 14. You can view more solutions above.

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  1. Very good I like this