NCERT Solutions Class 5 Evs Chapter 4- Mangoes Round The Year

NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 is a very interesting chapter in the syllabus. It explains how to know when food items are spoilt, along with a series of questions which will help you observe things around the kitchen. Students can also refer to NCERT Solutions from the links provided below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year

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Q1. How did Aman know that the potato sabzi had got spoilt?

Answer: Aman got to know that the potato sabzi got spoilt by the bad smell coming from it.

Q2. Have you ever seen some food that has got spoilt? How did you know that it was spoiled?

Answer: Yes, I have seen food that got spoilt. I got to know by the bad smell coming from it.

Q3. Preeti told Nitu not to eat the potato sabzi. What would have happened if she had eaten it?

Answer: If Nitu had eaten the potato sabzi she would have fallen sick.


Q1. Look in your kitchen and write down names of food items that

(a) can get spoilt in 2-3 days

Answer: Food items that get spoilt in 2-3 days are milk, boiled rice, curries, bread, etc.

(b) can be kept for a week

Answer: Food items that can be kept for a week are onions, potatoes, carrots etc.

(c) would not spoil till one month.

Answer: Food items that will not get spoiled for a month are ghee, raw rice, pickle, grains, etc

Q2. Look at your friend’s list and discuss in the class.

Answer: My friend’s list also has the same items as mine. The cooked food items get spoiled in 2-3 days, vegetables last for a week and dry grains may last for a month or more than a month when preserved carefully.

Q3. Will your list be the same in all seasons? What would change?

Answer: No, based on the different season the list changes. During summers, green leafy vegetables may get spoilt in a day due to the dryness, while usually in winters, leafy vegetables may last for 3 days or so due to the coolness. In rainy season it may not last longer due to the moisture.

Q4. When food gets spoilt in your house, what do you do with it?

Answer: When the food gets spoilt in our house we put it into the trash.

Biji returned the bread

Aman’s Biji went to the market to buy bread. The shop was very crowded. The shopkeeper picked up a packet of bread and gave it to Biji. She looked at it and returned it immediately.

Q1. Look at the picture of the bread packet here and guess why Biji returned it?

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 – Mangoes Round the Year image - 1

Answer: Biji returned the packet because he saw fungus created inside the packet and felt that may be it had expired.

Q2. How did she find that the bread had got spoilt?

Answer: She found out that the bread had got spoilt by seeing the black spots in it.

Find out

Look carefully at two-three packets of food items:

Q1. What can we know from what is written on the packet?

Answer: When we see the packet we get to see the expiry date, manufacture date, the ingredients used to prepare the food, price, net weight.

Q2. When you are buy anything from the market, what do you look for on the packet?

Answer: When I buy anything from the market I firstly look for the manufacture date and expiry date.


Q1. Why was sugar and jaggery mixed into the mango pulp and dried in the sun?

Answer: To make mamidi tandra, sugar and jaggery was mixed into the mango pulp and dried in the sun.

Q2. Why did Appa first choose the most ripe mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra?

Answer: Appa first chose the most ripe mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra because the riped ones contain more juice with less fiber.

Q3. How did the brothers make the mamidi tandra? Write down step-by-step what they did for this.


  • First of all, the brothers bought these items from the market, i.e., a mat made of palm leaves, a string made of coconut husk, sugar, jaggery, casuarinas poles.
  • By using a mat and casuarinas poles they made a platform.
  • Next they took out the mango juice from the ripped mangoes and filtered it through a fine cloth to remove all the fibres.
  • Later they poured the thin layer of juice on the mat by spreading it all over and left it to dry.
  • It was later covered with a sari to prevent it from dust.
  • So every day they kept on adding layers to it.
  • After four weeks a thick layer of golden cake of mamidi tandra was prepared.

Q4. What things are made in your house from ripe and unripe mangoes?

Answer: In my house, with riped mangoes they prepare mamidi tandra, milkshakes. With unriped mangoes they prepare pickles and chutneys.

Q5. Make a list of all the different types of pickles that you know about, and share with your friends.

Answer: Different types of pickles that I know are mango pickle, lemon pickle, mixed vegetable pickle, amla pickle.

Find out and discuss

Q1. Is there any kind of pickle made in your house? What kind of pickle is it? Who makes it? From whom did they learn to make the pickle?

Answer: There are many pickles that are made at my home like mango pickle, lemon pickle, amla pickle, etc. My mother makes these pickles, she learnt it from my grandmother.

Q2. How are these things made in your house. • Papad • Chutney

Answer: Papad is made up of urad, saboodana, potato, etc. To make saboodana papad we have to rinse it in water and grind it. By adding salt and all the spices required, we mix it up. Then we cover it with a moist cloth and leave it to dry in the sun. Finally, we deep fry and the papad is ready.

For chutney, let us take groundnuts and with all the required spices and salt. We grind it up according to one’s required taste and thus, chutney can be prepared.


Q3. It is a two-day journey by train from Pune to Kolkata. If you were to go on this trip, what food items would you carry with you? How would you pack them? Make a list on the blackboard of all the packed food. What food would you eat first?

Answer: If I were to go on this trip I would pack food items which would last for long like biscuits, dry fruits, snack items, etc., in a dry container. I would also take items such as chapati, roti, subji along with me but would finish it at the earliest since these get spoiled very soon.

What we have learnt

Q1. Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles. Why is this done? Do you remember what happened to the bread in the experiment?

Answer: Yes, I remember the bread had got spoilt. Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles because if any moisture is left in the jars, fungus can be formed very easily and the pickles gets spoiled.

Q2. To eat mangoes round the year we make different items like pickle, aam papad, chutney, chikky, etc. List some other food with which we make different things, so that we can enjoy it throughout the year.

Answer: Here are a few other food items with which we make different things, so that we can enjoy it throughout the year.

  • Murabba is prepared from white gourd and amla.
  • Peda in made from milk.
  • Banana chips are made so that it lasts longer.
  • Vegetables are dried in the sun for later use.

The Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 – Mangoes Round The Year comprises numerous questions such as-

  •  When food gets spoilt in your house, what do we do with it?
  •  How are things made in your house such as papad, chutney, etc?

The above were a few questions from the Class 5 EVS, Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions. If you wish to know more, view the solutions below

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