NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 - Up You Go

NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 explain to students more about the mountains, and teach students about distances that can be travelled to go up the mountains. The chapter explains adventures, especially on a mountainous trail. This chapter solutions also teaches students more about what it would be like to hike on an adventure. Some of the main questions that would be asked are listed below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 Up You Go

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Q1. Have you ever seen the mountains? Have you also climbed a mountain? When and where?

Answer: Yes, I have seen the mountains and climbed up the mountain during our vacation to Kashmir.

Q2. How far have you walked at one time? How far can you walk?

Answer: At one time, I walked for 3 kilometres. I can walk for a distance of 10 kilometres.


Q1. What do you think about the paths on the mountains? Draw a picture.

Answer: Paths on the mountains usually have curves.

NCERT Answers for Class 5 EVS Chapter 9 – Up You Go! - image - 1


Q1. What do you think about the responsibilities of a group leader?

Answer: The responsibilities of a group leader may include

  • Helping other members of the group.
  • Lead the group members.
  • Manage all the needs of the members.

Q2. How would you feel if you were made a leader in such a camp?

Answer: If I were made a leader in such a camp, it would make me feel more confident about myself, and I would successfully manage my responsibilities.

Q3. What does a monitor in your class have to do?

Answer: The monitor in my class arranges all the required items the teacher needs, like chalk, duster, etc. The monitor also maintains discipline in the classroom, and when the teacher is absent, the monitor checks on any problems among students and conveys them to the teacher.

Q4. Would you like to be the class monitor? Why?

Answer: Yes, I would like to be the class monitor because it would be challenging to do all the tasks.

Find out and write

Q1. What kinds of tools are needed for climbing mountains?

Answer: The tools required to climb up the mountain are crampons, rope, belay device, harness, ice axe, protection guard, pulley, helmet, gloves, first aid kit, oxygen cylinder, food packets, water bottle, torch, etc.

Q2. Have you ever seen a hook and rope being used for anything else? Where?

Answer: Yes, I have seen a hook and rope. They can be used for drawing water from the well, pulling heavy things up the building, and rescuing people in any accidents.

Q3. What else can we use if we want to cross a river in the mountains?

Answer: To cross a river in the mountains, we require thick rope, sling and pitons.

Q4. Why do we need extra energy in the mountains?

Answer: We need extra energy, especially in the mountains, because we climb against the gravitational force, which usually pulls us down, and we also need to walk on the rough surface to balance all these we need that extra energy.

Q5. Have you ever heard of anyone who has done something adventurous? What?

Answer: Yes, my friend once had gone for scuba diving, which was very adventurous.

Q6. Have you ever done anything adventurous? If yes, tell your class. Write about it in your own words

Answer: Yes, I once did paragliding which was a thrilling experience. Being in the clouds was amazing, and all the things down seemed so small. Overall, it was an adventurous experience.


Q1. Have you ever climbed a tree? How did you feel? Were you scared? Did you ever fall?

Answer: Yes, I tried climbing up the tree, which made me feel so scared that I would fall down, but luckily, I did not fall down. I felt really thrilled.

Q2. Have you ever seen someone climb a small wall? What do you think is the difference between climbing a wall and climbing a high rock?

Answer: Yes, I have seen children climbing the small wall. Climbing a small wall does not require a rope or any accessories, but to climb a high rock, we require a rope, sling, pitons, etc. Moreover, we may feel a little more scared while climbing a high rock than a small wall.


Q1. Is there anyone in your class whose language you do not understand or who does not understand yours? What do you do in such a case?

Answer: Yes, there is a friend of mine in the class who does not understand my regional language, and neither do I understand her regional language. In that case, we convey in the common language which we both know, or we will try to understand what the other person is trying to say through signs.

Q2. Have you ever lost your way? What did you do then?

Answer: Yes, a few times, I lost my way to home. I called up my father and informed him about my whereabouts.

Q3. Why do you think Khondonbi would have sung loudly?

Answer: Khondonbi sang loudly so that it would help the other team to find them easily.

Q4. Have you ever seen someone doing something special to get over their fear? What and when?

Answer: Yes, I have seen my cousin closing her eyes and shouting loudly out of fear when she was on a giant swing.


Q1. Why do you think a drain was dug around the tent?

Answer: The drain was dug up to keep off insects, snakes, pesticides, etc.

Q2. Besides mountaineering, what are other activities that can be called adventurous? Why?

Answer: Besides mountaineering, we can say that paragliding, hiking, rock climbing, bungee jumping, canyoneering, etc., are adventurous.

Imagine and write

Q1. You are on a mountain. How do you feel there? What can you see? What do you feel like doing there?

Answer: When I am on a mountain during winter, I feel thrilled. I can see the snowfall, all the green trees covered up by snow, looking like white trees. I feel like playing in the snow and sliding down the hill.


Q1. Why did Bachhendri put up the Indian flag on the peak?

Answer: In honour of our country, Bachhendri put up the Indian flag on the peak.

Q2. When have you seen our national flag being hoisted? Collect information on our national flag.

Answer: National flag is hoisted on Republic Day and Independence Day. On these days, schools and educational institutes conduct events and display national pride.

The national flag is a horizontal tricolour with deep saffron at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is two to three. In the centre of the white band is a navy-blue wheel, which represents the chakra.

Q3. Have you seen the flag of any other country? Where?

Answer: Yes, I have seen flags of many other countries on the internet, on television, in books, etc.

What we have learnt

Q1. Explain why it can be adventurous and challenging to climb a mountain. How would you prepare if you were to climb a mountain? What would you take with you? Write in your own words.

Answer: Climbing a mountain involves many challenging activities, which makes it difficult. Keeping in mind all the difficulties, we can say that it is adventurous and challenging to climb a mountain. Mentally and physically, we have to be strong and be prepared to face the difficulties which come across our path. With a lot of practice and willpower, we will be able to climb the mountain. I would carry all the mountaineering equipment, medicines, food, first aid kit, and oxygen cylinder along with me if I were to climb the mountain.

Thus, these are a few of the different questions from the Class 5 EVS Chapter 9. To learn more about this chapter, refer to the solution given above.

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