Going to School is the first chapter presented by the NCERT in the EVS Syllabus for Class 4 students. The NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 1 Going to School teaches students about looking around their environment. Teaching students about using materials lying around them for practical purposes, instills in them a sense of creation. Students can download the NCERT Solutions from the links given below.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Looking Around Chapter 1 Going to School
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Try these
1. Collect some bricks. Lay them on the ground in a line as shown in the picture. Try walking on them. Was it easy?
Yes, it was easy.
2. Make a small bridge by tying 4 or 5 bamboo poles together. Ask your teacher to help you. Now walk on your bridge. How did you feel? Did you fall down? If you walk like this a few times, you will start finding it easy.
It was quite tough and I felt scared. No, I did not fall but it was thrilling.
Bamboo Bridge
1. Do you think it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot or with shoes or slippers? Why?
Since barefoot with toes provides a better grip than shoes or slippers, I think it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot.
Let us do
1. Observe pictures 1 and 2. In the pictures, children are pulling the buckets from the well. Can you tell the difference in both the pictures? Which would be easier – using the pulley or not using it to lift things?
In picture 1, a boy is trying to pull the bucket from the well without using a pulley. Whereas, in picture 2, a boy is pulling the bucket full of water using a pulley. Definitely, using a pulley to lift things is easier.
2. Look around you – where all do you see the use of pulleys? List them.
I have seen the using of pulleys at construction sites, to hoist flags, to fetch water from wells and usually for lifting heavy objects easily.
Cement Bridge
1. How is this bridge different from a bamboo bridge?
A cement bridge is made up of bricks, cements and iron rods. But a bamboo bridge is made of bamboo sticks, ropes and poles. Hence, a cement bridge is stronger than a bamboo bridge and more people can cross a cement bridge at a time.
2. How many people do you think can cross the bridge at one time?
A lot of people can cross a cement bridge at a time unlike on a bamboo bridge. But the exact count depends on the length and strength of the bridge.
3. If you had a chance, which bridge would you like to use? Why?
I would like to use a cement bridge as it’s stronger and easier to walk on.
4. Do you have to cross any bridge on the way to your school? If yes, what is the bridge like? Draw its picture.
Yes, I have to cross two cement bridges on the way to my school.
5. Find out from your grandparents, what kinds of bridges were there when they were young.
Is there any bridge near your house? Find out more about the bridge.
During the time when my grandparents when young, there were only wooden and bamboo bridges. Yes, there are bridges near my house.
6. Where is the bridge – over water, over a road, between two mountains or somewhere else?
The bridge is situated over a river (water).
7. Who all use the bridge? Is it used by people on foot and also by vehicles and animals?
As it’s a cement bridge, almost everyone uses the bridge, i.e., people, vehicles and animals.
8. Does the bridge seem to be old or is it new?
The bridge seems to be quite old.
9. Find out what materials are used in making this bridge. List some of them.
Since it’s a cement bridge, it is made of cement, bricks and iron rods.
10. Imagine what difficulties there would be, if the bridge was not there?
If there was no bridge over the river, people would have crossed the river by boat to reach their places. This would have consumed more time.
1. Have you seen any other kind of boats?
Yes, I have seen other kinds of boats. Some of them are paddle boat, row boat, motor boat and house boat.
2. Can you think of other ways by which we can travel on water?
Transporting by ship, steamer, water scooter, raft, etc., are some of the other ways by which we can travel on water.
Camel Cart
1. Have you ever sat in a camel-cart or horse carriage (tonga)? Where? Did you climb on it yourself, or did someone help you?
Yes, I have sat on a horse carriage (tonga) in my grandparent’s village. No, I couldn’t climb it myself and my brother helped me get on it.
2. How did you feel riding in the cart? Also share your experience in the class also.
I really enjoyed the ride in a tonga.
1. Do you have bullock-carts where you live?
Yes, there are a few bullock-carts in my area.
2. Does it have a roof?
No, the ones in my area have no roof but I have seen bullock-carts with roofs.
3. What kind of wheels do they have?
They have wooden wheels with iron rims.
Bicycle ride
1. Can you ride a bicycle? If yes, who taught you to ride?
Yes, I can ride a bicycle. My father taught me to ride it.
2. How many children come on bicycles to your school?
Nearly 200 students come on bicycles to my school.
Jugad – What a Vehicle!
1. Do you have such vehicles in your area?
No, this type of vehicle is not there in my area. But, there are other types of jugad vehicles in my area.
2. What do you call them in your area?
It is called share-auto or quadricycle.
3. Would you like to ride in something like this? Why?
Yes, I’d love to as it would be so much fun.
4. Can you tell why it is called jugad?
Jugad means something made useful from waste.
It’s called Jugad as the front part of a motorcycle is attached to wooden planks that are used to make a carriage at the back and also made of old jeep parts. It is used to carry passengers from one place to another.
Children across the Jungle
1. Have you ever been in a thick jungle or any such place?
Yes, I have been in a thick jungle when I made a visit to a National Park with my uncle.
2. Write your experiences in your notebook.
The jungle was flooded with small and large trees everywhere. I spotted so many animals and birds living in the jungle. The sounds it produced was very pleasant.
3. Can you recognise some birds by their sounds? Can you imitate the sounds of some birds? Do it.
Yes, I can recognise some birds like crow, sparrow, parrot, duck, and peacock by their sounds. I can imitate the sounds of a crow, a parrot and a duck.
Moving on the Snow
1. Have you ever seen so much snow? Where? In films or somewhere else?
Yes, I have seen so much snow during my tour to Jammu and Kashmir.
2. Do you think that such places have snow all the time? Why?
No, such places don’t have snow all the time. It’s during the winters that these places are covered with snow due to low temperature. During the summer season, the snow melts as temperature gets higher.
Rocky Paths
1. Do you face difficulties on the way to your school?
No, I don’t face any difficulties on the way to my school.
2. Which is the best month, in which you like to go to school? Why?
December is the month when I like to go to school as the weather would be cold. Also, various celebrations like Christmas and New Year are held in our school during this month. Moreover, the month ends with the beginning of our winter holidays.
See Me Walk
1. Was there a difference in the way you walked each time? Discuss.
Yes, I did walk differently through different types of grounds.
(a) When walking on the ground which is made of soft and smooth petal, I felt like walking on a soft carpet.
(b) When walking on the ground covered with thorns and tall grass it was too difficult and I had to be cautious while taking steps.
(c) Walking on the ground covered with snow was slippery so, I walked slowly taking small steps with more attention.
Talk and share about it
1. Do you also have punishment in your school? What kind?
Yes, we have punishment in my school. The punishment would be like one has to kneel down, stand on the desk or stand out of the class for the whole period.
2. Do you think that punishment should not be there in schools?
No, I don’t want punishment in schools.
3. If you come across any such incident, whom will you inform?
I will inform the principal of the school when any such incident happens.
4. How will you make a complaint?
I can make a complaint by drafting it in a letter clearing stating details of the incident.
5. Is punishment the only solution to misdeeds? Make some rules for school to prevent misdeeds.
Definitely not, punishment is not the only solution to misdeeds. Here are some rules for school to prevent misdeeds:
– Students should not bring costly items or money to the school.
– Students must be punctual in attending classes.
– Students should not be allowed to use motorcycles or cars to come to school. This is because most students drive carelessly, which may cause accidents.
– No fashion accessories or casual outfits should be allowed. All students must come in neat and proper uniforms.
Further, the good behavior of students must be appreciated and rewarded timely.
The NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 1 Going to School explains concepts with the help of examples such as:
- Types of materials to construct bridges from
- Understanding the difficulties one might face without bridges
- Construction of carts and their uses.
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