NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 1 - Crop Production and Management

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NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management are the most important study materials for CBSE Class 8 Science. In order to get complete knowledge of the chapter Crop Production and Management, learners should solve and practise the answers provided in this NCERT Exemplar. The exemplar includes MCQs, short answer questions and long answer questions.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions Class 8 Science provide you with necessary questions that can be asked in Class 8 examinations and other competitive exams. In the chapter Crop Production and Management, the students will learn about different practices involved in crop production, such as the preparation of soil, basic practices of crop production, sowing and adding manure and fertilisers. Learn the concepts of this chapter by solving important questions from the NCERT Exemplar for Class 8 Science Chapter 1, Crop Production and Management.

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Access Answers of the NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 1 – Crop Production and Management

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following condition is not essential to grow maize?

(a) High temperature

(c) Low temperature

(b) Humidity

(d) Rainfall


The answer is (c) Low temperature


Maize is grown in a warm and tropical climate. The optimum temperature for growing maize is between 180c -27 0c in day and 140-150c in the night. Hence a cold climate is not essential to grow maize.

2. Propagation of ginger is generally done using

(a) Seed


(b) Stem (rhizome)

(d) Leaf


The answer is (b) Stem (rhizome)


Usually, Ginger is vegetatively propagated from small sections of the rhizome, called sets. Sets are produced by cutting a small 3–6 cm from a living rhizome. Each piece should possess at least one living bud which will produce shoots.

3. Which of the following statement is not true for organic manure?

(a) It enhances the water holding capacity of the soil.

(b) It has a balance of all plant nutrients.

(c) It provides humus to the soil.

(d) It improves the texture of the soil.


The answer is (b) It has a balance of all plant nutrients.


Organic manure is obtained by decomposition of plants and animal waste which make the soil nutrient-rich. But it does not mean that organic manure provides all the nutrients in required amount hence option b) is wrong.

4. The term used for the process of separation of grains from the chaff is

(a) Sieving

(b) Threshing

(c) Winnowing

(d) handpicking


The answer is (c) Winnowing


Winnowing is a process used to separate grains from the chaff by removing the scaly inedible chaff surrounding the grain. A machine called Combine is used for this process. The combine is a mixture of harvester and thresher.

5. Read the statements given below.

(i) Seeds require moisture for germination.

(ii) Plants can absorb nutrients mostly in dissolved form.

(iii) Irrigation protects crops from both frost and hot air currents.

(iv) Irrigation improves soil texture.

Choose the combination of statements which indicate the need to irrigate crops.

(a) i and ii

(b) i, ii, iii

(c) i, ii, iii, iv

(d) i and iii


The answer is (a) i and ii


Irrigation supplies water to the crops when required and this will help the seed germinate by providing moisture to seed. Plants readily absorb nutrients along with water in a dissolved form.

6. Which of the following tools would a farmer use to remove weeds from the field?

(a) Hoe

(c) Axe

(b) Plough

(d) Cultivator


The answer is (a) Hoe


Hoe is used to remove weeds and to loosen the soil. Hoe works like a blade. Axe is used to cut the trees. Plough is used for tilling of the soil. The cultivator is used for ploughing.

7. Which of the following is not true for fertilisers?

(a) They increase the yield.

(b) Their excessive use disturbs the balance of nutrients in the soil.

(c) They are generally used in small quantity.

(d) They are environment-friendly.


The answer is (d) They are environment-friendly.


Fertilisers are the chemical substance that is rich in particular nutrients. Fertilizers indeed helps in yield increase. But the long term and excess usage of fertilizers will reduce soil fertility and pollutes the water bodies. By seeing through the rain.

8. Given below are statements about the harmful effects of weeds on crop plants.

(i) They interfere with harvesting.

(ii) They help crop plants to grow healthily.

(iii) They compete with crop plants for water, nutrients, space and light.

(iv) They affect plant growth. Choose the correct combination of statements.

(a) i, iii, iv

(b) iii only

(c) iii, iv

(d) i, ii, iii, iv


Answer is (a) i, iii, iv


Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow along with the grown crops. They compete for nutrient, water and sunlight with crops thereby affect the health of crops and the yield.

9. The process of loosening and turning of soil is called

(a) irrigation and manuring

(c) tilling and ploughing

(b) digging and winnowing

(d) harvesting and storage


Answer is (c) tilling and ploughing


Tilling and ploughing are the first steps in preparing the land for cultivation. Ploughing is done by using plough which is made of either wood or iron.

10. The monsoon season in our country is during the months

(a) April to December

(b) June to September

(c) November to March

(d) January to May


The answer is (b) June to September

11. The system of irrigation wherein water is supplied drop by drop near the roots of plants, is called

(a) pulley system

(b) drip system

(c) sprinkler system

(d) lever system


The answer is (b) drip system


Pulley system is traditional irrigation methods where water is lifted from wells or other water sources and crops are watered. This is done by using the pulley chain and human labour or animals.

The perpendicular pipes, having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals. When water is allowed to flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help of a pump, it escapes from the rotating nozzles. It gets sprinkled on the crop as if it is raining

Lever system is traditional irrigation methods where human or animals are used to lift the water from its source. This is a less efficient irrigation method.

Very Short Answer Questions

12. Pick out the odd one from the following words given in the box and give the reason for it.

Plough, Seed Drill, Hoe, Chain Pump, Sickle


The answer is Seed drill. The seed drill is modern equipment used to sow the seeds. Whereas Plough, Hoe, Chain pump and sickle are old and traditional equipment’s used in agriculture.

13. If you are given a dry piece of land for cultivation what will you do before sowing the seeds?


Before sowing, seeds land should be prepared for cultivation. Tilling and ploughing are the first steps in preparing the land for cultivation. Ploughing is done by using plough which is made of either wood or iron.

14. State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.

(i) Using good quality seed is the only criterion to get a high yield.

(ii) Growing different crops in different seasons in the same field will deplete the soil of nutrients.

(iii) All crop plants are sown as seeds in the field.

(iv) Cells of root nodules of leguminous plants fix nitrogen.

(v) Freshly harvested grains must be dried before storing.


(i) False
To get good yield appropriate agricultural practice, nutrients water is very essential along with good quality seeds.
(ii) False
It enriches the soil
(iii) False
Some crops need transplantation Ex: Ginger
(iv) False
Bacteria called as Rhizobium present in the root nodules of leguminous plants fix nitrogen
(iv) True

15. During which months do farmers grow mustard in India?


During October to March farmers grow mustard in India.

16. Which activity of the farmer can promote the growth of earthworms and microbes in the field?


Loosening the soil/maintaining high moisture levels in the soil.

Short Answer Questions

17. Beera wants to practice crop rotation in his field. Suggest a Rabi crop and a Kharif crop which will replenish his field with nitrogen. Which crop replenishes nitrogen and why?


Kharif: Rice or Soyabean,

Rabi: Pea or Wheat.

Pea/Soyabean are legumes that will fix nitrogen with the help of Rhizobium.

18. Match the agricultural implements given in Column A with their use given in Column B.

Column A – Column B

(i) Sickle – (a) Ploughing

(ii) Hoe – (b) Sowing

(iii) Seed Drill – (c) Harvesting

(iv) Sprinkler – (d) Irrigation


Column A – Column B

(i) Sickle – (c) Harvesting

(ii) Hoe – (a) Ploughing

(iii) Seed Drill – (b) Sowing

(iv) Sprinkler – (d) Irrigation

19. What are organic foods?


Food crop grown without using any chemicals including fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides are known as organic food.

20. From the word puzzle given as Fig. 1.1 find at least eight words which are ‘farmer’s friends.’ Classify them into living and non-living.

NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science chapter 1 Solutions fig 1


NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science chapter 1 Solutions fig 2

Living: Seed, Earthworm, Rhizobium, Microbes, Ox

Non-living: Plough, Urea, NPK, Manure, Hoe

21. (a) Name the tool used with a tractor for sowing seeds in a field.

(b) What are the advantages of using this tool?


a) The seed drill is the tool used with a tractor for sowing seeds in a field.
b) Advantages of seed drill are as follows

  • It saves time and labour.
  • After sowing seeds are covered by soil which will protect seeds from.
  • Seeds are sown at uniform distance and depth. This avoids overcrowding of the seeds in one location.

22. (a) Name the practice followed for large scale rearing of farm animals.

(b) What facilities are provided to farm animals?


a) Animal Husbandry
b) Animals should be provided with shelter, food and care.

23. Classify the following crops into Kharif and Rabi crops and write in the tabular column given below: Maize, paddy, mustard, pea, gram, wheat, groundnut, cotton.


Kharif Rabi
Maize Mustard
Paddy Pea
Groundnut Gram
Cotton Wheat

Long Answer Questions

24. Despite favourable climatic conditions, a farmer’s crop failed to give a good yield. Give the possible reasons for this.


Possible reasons for failed crop despite favourable climatic conditions are

  1. Weeds are not removed.
  2. His land was not irrigated.
  3. A farmer might not have used quality seeds.
  4. The soil was not ploughed and tilled properly.
  5. The farmer did not use appropriate fertilizer and manure.

25. As a part of the eco-club activity, students were asked to raise a kitchen garden on the school premises. They were provided with some materials given in the box. List the other materials you would require. How will you plan the garden? Write the steps.


Along with the given materials, students require seeds, vegetable seedling, plants from the nursery, soil, manure and water.

Steps to raise the garden

  • Kitchen waste is collected and composted in a pit.
  • Suitable place to obtain sunlight is chosen to plant the plants.
  • Soil is dug with the help of spade.
  • Seeds are sown with adequate spacing.
  • Water the plants regularly
  • Compost is added to the base of the plant
  • Weeds are removed periodically.

26. Paddy is a major cereal crop in our country.

(a) In which season is paddy cultivated?

(b) Discuss the method of sowing.

(c) What measures must be taken to prevent spoilage and insect attack of harvested grains?


a) Paddy is cultivated in the rainy season.

b) Seeds are first grown in a nursery and these plantings are transplanted in the paddy field.

c) After harvesting grains are sundried and are stored in jute bags or storage silos.

27. Unscramble the words related to crop production and its management and write in the boxes given beneath them.

NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science chapter 1 Solutions fig 3

Now, using the circled letters, form one word which is an activity carried out in fields, after maturation of crops.



28. Given below is a conversation between two farmers Heera and Beera.

Heera: Brother Beera, your maize crops looks beautiful! They have grown pretty fast.

Beera: Yes, I have sprayed urea this time. What about you?

Heera: Well, I am still relying on good old cow dung. I am saving money on buying a tractor.

Beera: That’s good. Tractor saves a lot of time and labour.

Heera: Yes, it’s been very labour intensive for me and now these weeds have come up.

Beera: Try weedicides, they are very effective.

Now answer the following questions.

  1. List the practices which are not environment-friendly and why?
  2. What is the advantage of modern agriculture implements over traditional ones?
  3. Name one weedicide and the precaution farmers must take during its application.


  1. Use of fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides and other chemical is not an eco-friendly way of cultivation as their usage will reduce the fertility of the soil and also pose a threat to human health.
  2. Modern agricultural practices lot and time and labour for the farmers. Modern agricultural practices impose the accuracy and efficiency of farming procedures.
  3. 2,4-D is a weedicide.

Farmers should take following precautions before applying weedicide

  • Cover Nose and Mouth
  • Avoid excess usage of weedicide

29. For discussion Despite being one of the growing economies, our country still has a large section of the population going hungry and malnourished. Do you think an efficient crop production mechanism is the only solution to this? Discuss in the class what else needs to be done to root out hunger and malnutrition from our country.


India, a growing economy with agriculture is the main contributor to its growth. Agriculture is the science of cultivating plants, animals and other life forms for food and other sources, Despite large production of crops by agricultural practices, people still go hungry and malnourished. This happens because of inefficient crop production and management. In India, an increase in production of food grains has been observed from 1960 to 2004. With efficient management, crop production can be enhanced and improved to feed the country’s poor. A few steps in this direction can be:

1. Selection of high field seeds for planting the seeds with increased yield and reduced growth period.

2. Management of crop production: The financial aspects of agriculture should be made more approachable to farmers at all levels.

3. Information regarding the use of chemicals, manures, cropping patterns, nutrient quality and irrigation facilities should be discussed and propagated among farmers.

4 Protection of crops: The agricultural produce should be shared efficiently to reduce the microbial or other organisms from infesting the produce. Pest and weed control measures should be adopted.

A large number of crops get spoiled during storage by different living and non-living factors. Living factors include rodents, microbes and insects. Non-living factors are moisture, temperature and hygiene of storage place. Keeping these factors in mind, we can reduce the economic losses, increase the marketability and feed the country’s poor.

30. Terms related to the agricultural practice are given below. Rearrange them in the correct sequence.

harvesting, sowing, manuring, tilling and ploughing, irrigation, de-weeding.


The correct sequence of agricultural practices are

i) Tilling and Ploughing

ii) Sowing

iii) Manuring

iv) Irrigation

v) Weeding

vi) Harvesting

i) Tilling and ploughing:

One of the most important tasks in agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. This allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. The loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil. The process of loosening and turning of the soil is called tilling or ploughing.

ii) Sowing:

After tilling and ploughing healthy seeds are collected and they are sown into considerable depth.

iii) Manuring

Plants are manured with humus which improves the texture of the soil and replenishes nutrients in the soil.

iv) Irrigation

Irrigation helps to water the plants regularly which will help in keeping the moisture of plants.

v) Weeding

Weeds are removed before they get matured as they compete with crops for water, nutrients and sunlight.

vi) Harvesting

Cutting and gathering matured crops is known as harvesting. Harvesting can be done manually as well as by using harvesters.

Sub-topics of Crop Production and Management Class 8 Chapter 1

Section Name Topic
1.1 Agricultural Practices
1.2 Basic Practices of Crop Production
1.3 Preparation of Soil
1.4 Sowing
1.5 Adding Manure and Fertilisers
1.6 Irrigation
1.7 Protection from Weeds
1.8 Harvesting
1.9 Storage
1.10 Food and Animals

Students are advised to go through the NCERT Exemplar to understand their strengths and weaknesses and plan their studies accordingly. Along with NCERT questions, students should try to solve the previous year questions, as well as the sample papers, to get acquainted with the latest exam pattern and marking scheme. To access all study materials, visit BYJU’S website or download BYJU’S – The Learning App.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1


List out the different topics covered in Chapter 1 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science.

The different topics covered in Chapter 1 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science are as follows:
1.1 Agricultural Practices
1.2 Basic Practices of Crop Production
1.3 Preparation of Soil
1.4 Sowing
1.5 Adding Manure and Fertilisers
1.6 Irrigation
1.7 Protection from Weeds
1.8 Harvesting
1.9 Storage
1.10 Food and Animals
These concepts are briefly explained in NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1, curated by the subject experts at BYJU’S. The solutions are explained in simple language to make it easier for students to learn.

Explain the concept of ploughing, as given in NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1.

One of the most important tasks in agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. This allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. The loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil. The process of loosening and turning the soil is called tilling or ploughing.

Are NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 sufficient for the exam preparation?

The subject experts at BYJU’S have created NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 to enable students to ace the exam without stress. To boost students’ confidence, the key principles are explained in the simplest way possible. NCERT Exemplar Solutions address every concept to assist students with their exam preparation. The solutions are available in both online and offline formats, allowing students to use them according to their needs.
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