NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology Solutions for Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom

NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 The Animal Kingdom is an important study material which helps students to understand the concepts of Animal Kingdom in-depth. Students who are planning to make a career in medical and other biological fields should study the chapter well in order to understand the topics in their higher classes.

These exemplar solutions provide questions and answers on Animal Kingdom, which are provided in the NCERT exemplar book, along with quiz questions, entrance questions, MCQs for NEET, exercises and worksheets.

The animal kingdom entails all the different animals, which are either multicellular or eukaryotic. Students can learn this topic thoroughly by downloading and practising the exemplar solutions in PDF for free by clicking on the link below.

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Access NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4


1. In some animal groups, the body is found divided into compartments

with a serial repetition of at least some organs. This characteristic feature

is called

a. Segmentation

b. Metamerism

c. Metagenesis

d. Metamorphosis


Option (b) is the answer.

2. Given below are types of cells present in some animals. Which of the

following cells can differentiate to perform different functions?

a. Choanocytes

b. Interstitial cells

c. Gastrodermal cells

d. Nematocytes


Option (b) is the answer.

3. Which one of the following sets of animals shares a four-chambered


a. Amphibian, Reptiles, Birds

b. Crocodiles, Birds, Mammals

c. Crocodiles, Lizards, Turtles

d. Lizards, Mammals, Birds


Option (b) is the answer.

4. Which of the following pairs of animals has non-glandular skin

a? Snake and Frog

b. Chameleon and Turtle

c. Frog and Pigeon

d. Crocodile and Tiger


Option (b) is the answer.

5. Birds and mammals share one of the following characteristics as a

common feature.

a. Pigmented skin

b. Pneumatic bones

c. Viviparity

d. Warm-blooded


Option (d) is the answer.

6. Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to a single taxonomic


a. Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Silverfish, Dogfish, Starfish

b. Bat, Pigeon, Butterfly

c. Monkey, Chimpanzee, Man

d. Silkworm, Tapeworm, Earthworm


Option (c) is the answer.

7. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

a. Mesoglea is present in between ectoderm and endoderm in Obelia.

b. Exhibits radial symmetry Asterias

c. Fasciola is a pseudocoelomate animal

d. Taenia is a triploblastic animal


Option (c) is the answer.

8. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

a. In cockroaches and prawns excretion of waste material occurs

through malpighian tubules.

b. In ctenophores, locomotion is mediated by comb plates.

c. In Fasciola, flame cells help in excretion

d. Earthworms are hermaphrodites and yet cross-fertilization takes

place among them.


Option (a) is the answer.

9. Which one of the following is oviparous?

a. Platypus

b. Flying fox (Bat)

c. Elephant

d. Whale


Option (a) is the answer.

10. Which one of the following is a non-poisonous snake?

a. Cobra

b. Viper

c. Python

d. Krait


Option (c) is the answer.

11. Match the following list of animals with their level of organisation.

Division of Labour

Column I

A. Organ level

B. Cellular aggregate level

C. Tissue level

D. Organ system level


Column II

i. Pheretima

ii. Fasciola

iii. Spongilla

iv. Obelia

Choose the correct match showing the division of labour with animal example.

a. i-B, ii-C, iii-D, and iv-A

b. i-B, ii-D, iii-C, and iv-A

c. i-D, ii-A, iii-B, and iv-C

d. i-A, ii-D, iii-C, and iv-B


Option (c) is the answer.

12. The body cavity is the cavity present between the body wall and the gut wall. In

some animals, the body cavity is not lined by mesoderm. Such animals

are called

a. Acoelomates

b. Pseudocoelomates

c. Coelomates

d. Haemocoelomates


Option (b) is the answer.

13. Match column A with column B and choose the correct option

Column I

A. Porifera

B. Aschelminthes

C. Annelida

D. Arthropoda

E. Echinodermata

Column II

i. Canal system

ii. Water-vascular system

iii. Muscular pharynx

iv. Jointed appendages

v. Metameres

a. A-ii, B-iii, C-v, D-iv, E-i

b. A-ii, B-v, C-iii, D-iv, E-i

c. A-i, B-iii, C-v, D-iv, E-ii

d. A-i, B-v, C-iii, D-iv, E-ii


Option (c) is the answer.


1. Identify the phylum in which adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva

exhibit bilateral symmetry.


In the phylum Echinodermata, the radial symmetry is exhibited by the adult while the bilateral symmetry is exhibited by the larva.

2. What is the importance of pneumatic bones and air sacs in Aves?


Pneumatic bones make their body lightweight and facilitate the flying and air sacs are helpful in respiration and buoyancy.

3. What is metagenesis? Mention an example which exhibits this phenomenon.


The phenomenon of alternation of generations between sexual and asexual mode of reproduction is called metagenesis.

4. What is the role of feathers?


In aves, besides pneumatic bones, feathers are also helpful in making the body weigh lighter and help in flight.

5. Which group of chordates possess sucking and circular mouth without jaws?


Cyclostomes possess sucking and circular mouth without jaws. Since their mouth is circular and lacks jaws, they are also called agnathans.

6. Give one example each for an animal possessing placoid scales and that with cycloid scales.


Placoid scales are the tiny tough scales that cover the skin. Examples are Trygon, Pritis

Cycloid scales are characterized by having a smooth outer margin. Examples are Catla, Clarias

7. Mention two modifications in reptiles required for terrestrial mode of life.


Internal fertilization (makes the chances of the survival of young ones better). The body is covered with dry and cornified skin and epidermal scales.

8. Mention one example each for animals with a chitinous exoskeleton and those covered by a calcareous shell.


Chitinous exoskeleton covers the body of cockroach (Arthropods) and calcareous shell covers the body of Pila (Molluscs).

9. What is the role of the radula in molluscs?


The radula is a special structure in molluscs which is used to scrape and scratch the food and to create a depression in rocks which molluscs use as their habitat.

10. Name the animal, which exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Mention the phylum to which it belongs.


The phenomenon of production and emission of light by an organism as a result of a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy is called bioluminescence. Members of the phylum ctenophores like Ctenoplana, Velamen, Beroe, etc.

11. Write one example each of the following in the space provided.

a. Cold blooded animal ________________________

b. Warm blooded animal ________________________

c. Animal possessing dry and cornified skin _______________

d. Dioecious animal _____________________


a. Cold blooded animal: Frog (Amphibians)

b. Warm blooded animal: Humans (Mammals)

c. Animal possessing dry and cornified skin: Lizard (Reptiles)

d. Dioecious animal: Ascaris (Aschelminthes)

12. Differentiate between a diploblastic and a triploblastic animal.


Diploblastic animals are with cells arranged in two embryonic layers. Example: Coelenterates

The triploblastic animal is those which the developing embryo has a third germinal layer. Example: Chordates.

13. Give an example of the following

a. Roundworm

b. Fish possessing poison sting

c. A limbless reptile/ amphibian

d. An oviparous mammal


a. Roundworm: Ascaris

b. Fish possessing poison sting: Trygon

c. A limbless reptile/ amphibian: reptile – Snake, Amphibian – Ichthyophis

d. An oviparous mammal: Duck-billed platypus

14. Provide appropriate technical term in the space provided.

a. Blood-filled cavity in arthropods __________________________.

b. Free-floating form of cnidaria _____________________________.

c. Stinging organ of jelly fishes ______________________________.

d. Lateral appendages in aquatic annelids ___________________.


a. A blood-filled cavity in arthropods: Haemocoel

b. Free-floating form of cnidaria: Medusa

c. The stinging organ of jellyfishes: Nematocyst

d. Lateral appendages in aquatic annelids: Parapodia

15. Match the following:

Animals Locomotory

a. Octopus

b. Crocodile

c. Catla iii.

d. Ctenoplana


i. Limbs

ii. Comb plates

iii. Tentacles

iv. Fins


a. Octopus – Tentacles

b. Crocodile – Limbs

c. Catla – Fins

d. Ctenoplana – Comb plates


1. Differentiate between:

a. Open circulatory system and closed circulatory system

b. Oviparous and viviparous characteristics

c. Direct development and Indirect development


a) Blood is pumped out of the heart and the cells and tissues are directly bathed in the open circulatory system whereas the closed circulatory system is circulated throughout the body with the help of series of vessels

b) Laying of fertilized and unfertilized eggs are known as oviparous whereas giving birth to young ones is viviparous

c) When a larval stage is absent in the development of the organism, it is direct development whereas the larval stage is present in the development of the organism which does not resemble the adult is called indirect development.

2. Sort out the animals on the basis of their symmetry (radial or bilateral) coelenterates, ctenophores, annelids, arthropods, and echinoderms.


In radial symmetry, the body of an individual can be divided into equal halves by any plans passing through the longitudinal axis. Radial symmetry: Coelenterates, Ctenophores, Echinoderms

In bilateral symmetry, the body can be divided into two halves when the plane passes through the median longitudinal axis. Bilateral symmetry: Annelids, Arthropods.

3. There has been an increase in the number of chambers in the heart during the evolution of vertebrates. Give the names of the class of vertebrates having two, three or four-chambered heart.


Two-chambered hearts: Chrondrichytes and osteocytes

Three-chambered heart: Amphibia and Reptile

Four-chambered heart: Aves and mammalian

4. Fill up the blank spaces appropriately

Phylum/Class Excretory organ Circulatory organ Respiratory organ
Arthropoda A B Lungs/Gills/Tracheal system
C Nephridia Closed Skin/parapodia
D Metanephridia Open E
Amphibia F Closed Lung


A = Malpighian tubules

B = Open

C = Annelida

D = Mollusca

E = Feather-like gills

F = Amphibians have kidneys as their excretory organs

5. Match the following

a. Amphibia

b. Mammals

c. Chondrichthyes

d. Osteichthyes

e. Cyclostomata

f. Aves

i. Air bladder

ii. Cartilaginous notochord

iii. Mammary glands

iv. Pneumatic bones

v. Dual habitat

vi. Sucking and circular mouth without jaws.


a. Amphibia – Dual habitat

b. Mammals – Mammary glands

c. Chondrichthyes – Cartilaginous notochord

d. Osteichthyes – Air bladder

e. Cyclostomata – Sucking and circular mouth without jaws

f. Aves – Pneumatic bones

6. Endoparasites are found inside the host body. Mention the special structure, possessed by these and which enables them to survive in those conditions.


For the survival of that condition, they have to adapt:

High reproductive capacity

Presence of adhesive organs or suckers to cling on to the host.

Loss of digestive system.

Loss of unnecessary sense organs.

7. Match the following and write the correct choice in the space provided.


a. Pila

b. Cockroach

c. Asterias

d. Torpedo

e. Parrot

f. Dogfish

Characteristics of

i. Jointed appendages

ii. Perching

iii. Water vascular system

iv. Electric organ

v. Presence of shell

vi. Placoid scales

a. _____, b. ______, c. _____, d. ___, e. _____, f. ____,


a. Pila – Presence of shell

b. Cockroach – Jointed appendages

c. Asterias – Water vascular system

d. Torpedo – Electric organ

e. Parrot – Perching

f. Dogfish – Placoid scales

8. Differentiate between:

a. Open and closed circulatory system

b. Oviparity and viviparity

c. Direct and indirect development

d. Acoelomate and pseudocoelomate

e. Notochord and nerve cord

f. Polyp and medusa


a) Blood is pumped out the heart and the cells and tissues are directly bathed in the open circulatory system whereas the closed circulatory system is circulated throughout the body with the help of series of vessels

b) Laying of fertilized and unfertilized eggs are known as oviparous whereas giving birth to young ones is viviparous

c) When a larval stage is absent in the development of the organism, it is direct development whereas the larval stage is present in the development of the organism which does not resemble the adult is called indirect development.

d) The animal possessing no coelom are called coelomates whereas the body cavity lined by mesoderm instead mesoderm is present in between ectoderm and endoderm are called pseudocoelomate.

e) The notochord is mesodermally derived rod-like structure formed on the dorsal side during embryonic development whereas the nerve cord is a solid strand of nervous tissue

f) Polyp is a sessile and cylindrical form like Hydra whereas Medusa is an umbrella-shaped and free-swimming like jellyfish

9. Give the characteristic features of the following citing one example of each

a. Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes

b. Urochordata and cephalochordate



Their habitat is mainly marine and their body is streamlined. They have a cartilaginous endoskeleton.

Examples are scoliosis and Trygon


The habitat is both marines as well as freshwater and they have a streamlined body. The endoskeleton is bony.

Examples are Marine: Hippocampus (Sea horse), Freshwater: Labeo (Rohu), Aquarium: Betta (Fighting fish)

b) Urochordata and cephalochordate

In urochordates, the notochord is present only in the larval tail but in cephalochordates, notochord extends from head to tail region and is persistent throughout the life.

• Examples – Urochordates: Ascidia, Salpa, Cephalochordates: Branchiostoma.

10. Mention two similarities between

a. Aves and mammals

b. A frog and crocodile

c. A turtle and pila


a) Aves and mammals are warm-blooded and have 4 chambered heart

b) A frog and crocodile are cold-blooded and are oviparous

c) Turtle and pilla are cold-blooded and are oviparous animals

11. Name

a. A limbless animal

b. A cold-blooded animal

c. A warm-blooded animal

d. An animal possessing dry and cornified skin

e. An animal having a canal system and spicules

f. An animal with cnidoblasts


a. A limbless animal – Icthyophis

b. A cold-blooded animal – Trygon

c. A warm-blooded animal – Macaca (monkey)

d. An animal possessing dry and cornified skin – Naja (Cobra)

e. An animal having a canal system and spicules – Euspongia

f. An animal with cnidoblasts – Hydra

12. Give an example for each of the following

a. A viviparous animal

b. A fish possessing a poison sting

c. A fish possessing an electric organ

d. An organ, which regulates buoyancy

e. Animal, which exhibits alternation of generation

f. An oviparous animal with mammary gland


a. A viviparous animal – Panthera leo

b. A fish possessing a poison sting – Trygon

c. A fish possessing an electric organ – Torpedo

d. An organ, which regulates buoyancy – Air bladder

e. Animal, which exhibits alternation of generation – Obelia

f. The oviparous animal with mammary gland – Echidna

13. Excretory organs of different animals are given below. Choose correctly and write in the space provided.

Animal Excretory Organ/Unit

a. Balanoglossus

b. Leech

c. Locust

d. Liver fluke

e. Sea urchin

f. Pila

Animal Excretory Organ/Unit

i. Metanephridia

ii. Nephridia

iii. Flame cells

iv. absent

v. malpighian tubule

vi. Probosci’s gland

a. ____________________, b. ____________________, c. ____________________

d. ____________________, e. ____________________, f. ____________________


a. Balanoglossus – Proboscis gland

b. Leech – Nephridia

c. Locust – Malpighian tubule

d. Liver fluke – Flame cells

e. Sea urchin – Absent

f. Pila – Metanephrida


1. Give three major differences between chordates and non-chordates and

draw a schematic sketch of a chordate showing those features.


Chordates Non-Chordates
Have notochord

The tail is present at some stage

Heart is ventral

CNS is dorsal

Gill slits are present in the pharynx

Don’t have a notochord

Tail is absent

Heart is dorsal

CNS is central, solid and double

Gill slits are absent

2. What is the relationship between germinal layers and the formation of the body cavity in case of coelomate, acoelomates and pseudocoelomates?


Germinal layers are those which formed during the process of gastrulation. The outer layer of germ is called ectoderm, the middle one is endoderm and the innermost is the endoderm. Coelomates are the organisms possessing coeloms. The coelom is the body cavity lined by the mesoderm. Examples of coelomates are phylum Annelida, Mollusca, arthropods, etc. The organisms with absent body cavities are called coelomates. E.g. Platyhelminthes. Some of the organisms do not have a lining by mesoderm. Instead of that, it will be in the form of a scattered pouch in between ectoderm and endoderm. Such a body cavity is called pseudocolour and animals possessing pseudocoelom are referred to as pseudocoelomates e.g., Ascaris.

3. Comment upon the habitats and external features of animals belonging to class, amphibia and reptilia.



They are thin and have smooth skin, which can live on both land and water. Their eyes have eyelids, and have a pair of limbs. A tympanum represents the ears. Examples are Rana(frog) and cobra


They are covered with dry and confined skin and scales. They mostly live on land. Tympanum represents ear. They have a pair of limbs. They will creep and crawl. These category organisms are oviparous, fertilization is internal and development is direct or indirect.

Examples are crocodile, turtle etc

4. Mammals are most adapted among the vertebrates. Elaborate.


Mammals are found in a variety of habitats like deserts, plains and mountains. They differ in the type of jaws and sexes are separate and fertilization is internal. They have pairs of limbs which are used for walking, burrowing, climbing etc. Their mammary glands produce milk to nourish their young ones. They are warm-blooded which helps them maintain their body temperature in different weather conditions. They have hair-like structures which act as insulation against cold. The 4-chambered heart is present in mammals. The brains are more developed. Examples of Mammals: Humans, Whales, Dogs, Camels, etc.

  • They reproduce sexually.
  • Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
  • Animals consume organic material for their survival.
  • There are more than 7 million animal species in total.
  • Animals living together engage in complex interactions with each other and form part of a ‘’food web’’.

Subtopics of Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom

  1. Basis of Classification
    1. Levels of Organisation
    2. Symmetry
    3. Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation
    4. Coelom
    5. Segmentation
    6. Notochord
  2. Classification of Animals
    1. Phylum – Porifera
    2. Phylum – Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
    3. Phylum – Ctenophora
    4. Phylum – Platyhelminthes
    5. Phylum – Aschelminthes
    6. Phylum – Annelida
    7. Phylum – Arthropoda
    8. Phylum – Mollusca
    9. Phylum – Echinodermata
    10. Phylum – Hemichordata
    11. Phylum – Chordata.
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