NEET Biology 2023 – Important Topics and Preparation Tips

NEET Biology is essentially an indispensable section as it is one of the most scoring subjects if the students plan their preparations wisely. The questions from biology are so comprehensive that a well-prepared student clears this section of NEET almost effortlessly.

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NEET Biology section plays an important role in determining the success of students in NEET exam, however, this doesn’t mean that the students neglect the other two subjects. To grab a seat in a top medical or dental college, students are advised to polish their skills in Biology as well as Physics and Chemistry. The difficulty level of Biology has increased over recent years. As per the overall analysis of NEET 2019, it was deemed that the exam fared average on the difficulty meter where amongst all other sections, Biology was considered to be the easiest, followed by Chemistry and then Physics which was the toughest and challenging section demanding time. The biology section of NEET 2021 fared between easy to moderate.

When it comes to NEET Biology, the botany section was comparatively challenging. Most of the questions in botany were based on NCERT. Zoology, on the other hand, fared moderately on the difficulty meter. Most numbers of questions appeared from Human Physiology unit.

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Given below are some of the important key points about the two crucial parts of Biology, namely, Zoology and Botany.
NEET Biology 2023 Important topics and Preparation tips

Important Notes of Biology For NEET 2023

NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis – Biology

Chapter No. of Questions
The Living World 1
Biological Classification 1
Plant Kingdom 5
Animal Kingdom 4
Morphology of Flowering Plants 2
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 3
Structural Organisation in Animals 3
Cell: The Unit of Life 2
Biomolecules 3
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 7
Transport in Plants 1
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 4
Respiration in Plants 1
Plant Growth and Development 3
Digestion and Absorption 2
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 3
Body Fluids and Circulation 3
Locomotion and Movement 4
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants 3
Human Reproduction 3
Reproductive Health 3
Principles of Inheritance and Variation 2
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 10
Evolution 1
Human Health and Disease 3
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 3
Microbes in Human Welfare 1
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 6
Biotechnology and its Applications 5
Organisms and Populations 4
Ecosystem 3
Environmental Issues 1

NEET Biology – Weightage of various topics is as follows:

Class XI
Unit Chapters Weightage (approximate)
I Diversity of Living Organisms 12%
II Structural Organisation in Plants & Animals 9%
III Cell: Structure and Function 8%
IV Plant Physiology 8%
V Human Physiology 16%
Class XII
Unit Chapters Weightage
VI Reproduction 11%
VII Genetics and Evolution 13%
VIII Biology and Human Welfare 9%
IX Biotechnology and its Applications 4%
X Ecology and Environment 10%

Zoology Section

Zoology is all about the interaction of animals with the ecosystem. It is the most interesting stream of Biology and deals with the study of the Animal Kingdom and their structures, evolution, embryology, habits, classification, and distribution of both living and extinct animals. Students are advised to focus more on topics like Reproduction and Human Physiology while preparing for the exam. Given below is a list of topics, important from the examination point of view:

NEET Biology Important Topics – Zoology

Animal Diversity Animal Husbandry Human Health and Diseases
Evolution Animal Tissue Cockroach
Human Physiology Human Reproduction

NEET 2020 Analysis: Zoology section

Class Chapter name Level of Difficulty
Easy Average Challenging
Class 11 Human Physiology 1 7 4
Biomolecules 3 2 1
Animal Kingdom 2 2 1
Structural organization of animals 1 0 1
Class 12 Animal husbandry and Biotechnology 3 4 3
Human Reproduction and reproductive health 0 2 2
Evolutions theories and evidences 3 0 1
Human Health and diseases 0 3 1
Total Questions 47

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Botany Section

Botany (also known as Phytology) is the Science of Plant Life. It also includes the Study of Fungi and Algae. Modern Botany deals with plant structure, differentiation, growth, biochemistry, reproduction, primary metabolism, disease and plant taxonomy. Students are advised to focus more on topics carrying high weightage like Genetics, Biotechnology, and Ecology while preparing for the exam. In the NEET exam, there are typically 45 questions from Botany.

NEET 2020 Analysis: Botany section

Class Chapter name Level of Difficulty
Easy Average Challenging
Class 11 Plant Physiology 3 2 4
Cell and cell cycle 1 1 4
Structural organization of plants 3 0 2
Diversity of Life 1 3 1
Class 12 Genetics 2 1 4
Ecology 2 2 3
Biology in Human welfare 0 1 1
Reproduction and sexual reproduction 1 1 0
Total Questions 43

Books play a vital role during the exam preparations. The table given below depicts a list of recommended books for NEET Biology apart from NCERT textbook.

NEET Biology Books

S. Chand’s Biology Trueman’s Elementary Biology
Modern’s ABC Biology Pradeep’s A Text Book of Biology
Together with Biology Truman’s Objective Biology

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to know more about each and every topic included in NEET syllabus 2023, preparation tips, previous years question papers, NEET Biology questions, sample papers, study materials, and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions on NEET Biology 2023


Which book is best for NEET biology?

NCERT is the holy book for NEET, it should be read line by line and mastered. 80-90% of questions appear from the NCERT syllabus. For the remaining 10-20% questions that are asked, you can refer to these books only, they are more than sufficient – Objective NCERT at your fingertips – MTG, NCERT Exemplar, Trueman’s biology, Arihant, Cengage. Don’t forget to cover the β€œsummary” section provided at the end of each chapter. It has some key points that students usually tend to miss out on.

Is NCERT enough for NEET biology 2023?

No. While NCERT certainly should be your priority for NEET, especially biology, it is not good enough if you aim for a good rank. 80-90% of questions usually are asked from the NCERT syllabus. But, for the remaining 10-20% questions asked outside NCERT, one must refer to other relevant sources as well. NCERT is good to qualify only. With NEET, now being the single level medical entrance test, the competition is fiercer than ever.

How many chapters in biology for NEET?

38 chapters. NEET Biology syllabus has 10 units, which in turn have 38 chapters in total. 22 chapters are in class 11 NCERT syllabus and the remaining 16 chapters are covered in NCERT Class 12 syllabus.

How many questions in NEET biology are from NCERT?

NEET Biology 2023 will comprises 100 questions in total, out of which 90 are to be answered. The number of questions appearing in NEET biology from NCERT varies every year. But mostly, questions are asked from NCERT. For exact numbers, NEET 2019 had nearly 84 questions either indirectly or directly from NCERT, out of these 84, 78 questions were purely NCERT based. Similarly, NEET 2018 had a total of 82 questions appearing from NCERT and NEET 2017 had nearly 76 questions from NCERT. Trends keep changing every year.



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  1. I read about human body,plants,insects,animals